
A Good Day: Beluga

2016-11-27T03:16:37+00:00November 27th, 2016|A Good Day, Reasons for Acting|

Once, when distance meant time, I traveled by train from Winnipeg to Churchill on Hudson Bay. It was a two-day trip though endless taiga forests comforting in their vastness. I spent time meditating on how small and insignificant we humans are in relation to the world. Churchill was a one [...]


2016-11-27T03:08:24+00:00November 25th, 2016|Reasons for Acting, Renewable Energy|

Oil Jack rabbit rig and wind farm in Texas. In my youth I used to own a T-Shirt that said, “Give Texas Back to Mexico.” I admit it was rude, I apologize, and I’ve changed my mind! Texas has an image as a big tough, independent and proud [...]

A Good Day: Grizzlies and Caribou

2016-11-21T17:30:17+00:00November 7th, 2016|A Good Day|

Four hundred and fifty miles from nowhere, at the edge of the arctic circle, we started downriver on our fourteenth day. Or it might have been the twentieth. One loses track of time in the wilderness where there are no calendars or weekends. We are on the Thelon River. It [...]

Why I Am an Environmentalist

2016-11-07T16:55:22+00:00November 7th, 2016|General|

I grew up as a feral child. I know I don’t look much like Tarzan, but I also lost my parents at a very young age. I wasn’t raised by apes or wolves, but had the fortune to live in a place of lakes, rivers, swamps and forests. This was [...]

Act III: Coming Out as an Environmentalist

2016-11-11T15:13:07+00:00November 2nd, 2016|General|

I recently updated my Linkedin profile to add the term Environmentalist. After years of building businesses, including a recent Healthcare startup, I am focusing my future energies on the environment. Specifically, fighting climate change and global warming through renewable clean energy solutions. Working for the environment isn’t particularly unique, but [...]