
Can Big Oil and Utilities Help in the Transition from Carbon?

2024-03-07T20:49:19+00:00February 7th, 2019|Business and Environment, Climate politics, Energy Policy, Environmental Messaging|

For a while there has been popular speculation that utilities were in a death spiral. They have been hit with pollution regulation, clean energy mandates, higher fuel costs and disruption from clean low cost distributed renewable energy. Their primary purpose has been to “keep-the-lights-on,” and the world is changing [...]

Why Do Republican Leaders Hate Renewable Energy… and the Environment?

2018-05-26T23:32:01+00:00May 23rd, 2018|Climate politics, Energy Policy, Reasons for Acting, Renewable Energy|

There is an attack against renewable energy and the environment in this country. It is being conducted by large utilities, coal, and oil companies. The impact will affect our energy policies, manufacturing, economy, and environment for decades. It is abetted by Republican state and federal legislators that are being [...]