We make sure the world knows it.
You are solving environmental, climate, sustainability, and energy problems. You are replacing helplessness with hope. Ironically, that’s not enough. You have to compete for donors, volunteers and customers. SkyWaterEarth is a unique consultancy that supercharges your organization’s strategies and communications with expert guidance and proven processes. There’s never been a better time to join forces. (Just read today’s headlines.) Together, we’ll affect mind- and earth-changing outcomes.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
Better strategy + attraction = better results.
All CEO’s and directors have the responsibility of improving their company’s profit margin. If you work for a non-profit, you have the double-duty of raising funds and promoting your mission. SkyWaterEarth will help you deliver the right message to the right people at the right time, starting with your colleagues and volunteers, and then to the world at large. Learn how to attract the right followers as if the world depended on it. Because it does.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
We are all connected.
Lead strategist, Hobart Stocking is an environmentalist, writer and entrepreneur who believes we
cannot save the world without savoring the world. When he’s not helping organizations grow and
achieve their missions, he’s sailing the Atlantic, climbing Mount Kenya or hiking across the Grand
Canyon. Hobie has 24 years of marketing experience and is happy to regale you with case studies
should you wish to join him on his upcoming walkabout in the deserts of the Southwest or by clicking here.
Connectivity at a higher level.
You are not alone in changing the world. There are others that share your values and can help spread
your message. SkyWaterEarth believes changing the world is a collective challenge and relies on our
interdependence. That’s why we’re developing the SkyWaterEarth Network. A group of organizations
with similar missions that can leverage each other’s experience and reach when they need to get the
word out. More details coming soon. Do you want to be notified when the network is up? Click here.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
Environmental and energy problems come in all sizes.
Fortunately, so do solutions.
SkyWaterEarth services are available in a format that meets your needs and budget.
Custom Consultancy is our most comprehensive offering. A typical duration is 30-45 days.
Workshops are a 1/2-day deep dive on how to bring power to your brand and messaging platform.
Speeches are typically one hour and packed with entertaining advice you, your team and your members
can use now to help drive your mission. Find a list of recent topics here.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment

In order to save the world, we must also savor the world.*
Reaction Jackson or Chorus 2026?
Why So Much Reaction To Project 2XXX and So Little About Chorus 2026? I see a lot on social media about Project 2XXX and how bad it is. It is indeed dark. I read a lot about how the president is a Nazi, a fascist, and a dictator. He would [...]
Framing Data Centers
Why are you paying to build pornographic storage data centers powered by dirty fracked gas? Language is the key to winning the political debate. Unfortunately, as climate activists build fact sheets on data centers, we have failed to learn the lessons of language and framing from conservatives. Do you [...]
Aliens and Climate Communications (Not what you think.)
90% of Climate Champions Will Read This Post. Here's Why...* 10 carefully selected people sit around a faux mahogany table for a discussion. Two of the 10 are unknowing experimental subjects. The two have been interviewed on a number of topics and selected because their belief in aliens was [...]
How One Climate Organization Knocked It Out of the Park
Overcoming Two Biases in Our Climate Communications What makes us think we can survive the climate crisis? Certainly, a large portion of our country isn’t concerned. One of our political parties has their heads in the sand or some other place. Of course we are an optimistic species. But [...]
New Year’s Hawk – Joy In Wild Things
A flash from the corner of my eye, an old man’s floater, causes me to pause and wonder at the failings of my body. Then I turn my head to follow the direction of this meteor across my vision. There on the ground sits a young Cooper’s hawk not [...]
The False Moral Arguments of Fossil Fuel Execs
Leapfrogging the era of carbon pollution There’s a maxim by Dr. George Lakoff, a neuro-linguist and professor emeritus at U.C. Berkeley that says, “All politics are moral. Our political debate is about what is right and wrong.” Instinctually, this is why many politicians and demagogs try to frame their [...]
Good News – Fossil Fuels Are Dying
But They Are Fighting Us and the Cause of Their Demise The news on climate is bad, and it’s depressing. Our situation is getting worse and we’re in a world of hurt. We have the solutions to the climate challenge, yet it’s become a political issue, and rational solutions [...]
Sleeping Ute Mountain – Hitchhiking down time
You don’t see many hitchhikers today. Likely due to too many exposés on axe-murderers in our media. It creates a lack of trust of our fellow man lowering the probability of getting picked up. When I was a kid, I hitchhiked to both coasts from Minnesota. I traded the [...]
How To Beat Fossil Fuel Nazis
- To Fight Right Wing Climate Fascism Follow Sefton Delmer (trigger warning – profanity ahead) In America, we now live in a full blown world of climate disinformation, propaganda, and political obstruction. The climate issue and politics are inextricably linked. One side has formed a coalition of fossil fuel [...]
Does the Election Reflect Our Stories About the Climate Challenge?
When we look back at the election or the climate challenge, we will see that our success was determined by the stories we told. Politics and climate are now inextricably linked. So we can also apply the same observations about political stories to the stories we tell about the [...]
I believe…
Regardless of where we come from, the color of our skin, or where we live, I believe in empathy and solidarity, because everyone matters, even people we don’t know. I believe in decency, rather than fear and hate. I believe in mutual responsibility in addition to individual responsibility, because [...]
The Language of Political Violence and Climate
Why do Exxon Mobil and Donald Trump get to determine the fate of our children and a livable planet? Both use the language of violence. Both are a huge threat to our future and democracy. Both are connected. Our leaders are calling for us to calm our rhetoric in [...]
How To Deal With Lying Climate Denialists and Their Lying Ways
"For the first time in its history, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has named the spread of climate misinformation as an obstruction to climate action, particularly in the United States.[i]" The question becomes, how do we deal with this onslaught of misinformation and disinformation? The first step is [...]
Book Review: Cheaper, Faster, Better – by Tom Steyer
I like Tom Steyer. I’ve supported his campaign and his grassroots organizations since 2015 because he's a climate champion. He is an optimistic, strategic, and pragmatic thinker and this book is very much worth the easy read that it is. If you need a boost in well-reasoned climate optimism, [...]
Me, Myself, and I – Choosing Your Subject in Climate Communications
We know that the way we use language in the public debate often influences which policies or candidates gets supported. Often, the most effective language activates deep-seated circuits or frames in our brains that are about right and wrong. For example, “My country, love it or leave it.” This [...]
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment

CONTACT SkyWaterEarth
L. Hobart Stocking
Founder and Chief Provocateur
651-357-0110 (Cell 24×7)
Minnesota Office
689 Sue Place, Suite 210
St Paul, MN 55116
Atlanta Office
124 Chelsea Drive NE, Suite 10
Decatur, GA 30030