
Environmental Messaging – Will They Kill Your Messenger?

2018-05-31T15:12:23+00:00May 31st, 2018|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging|

A Republican, a Democrat, a utility executive, and a construction manager walked into a bar. They had been invited by a lobbyist. There’s no punchline. This is what actually happened. I was at a renewable energy seminar in the Twin Cities. There were four people on the panel plus [...]

Why Do Republican Leaders Hate Renewable Energy… and the Environment?

2018-05-26T23:32:01+00:00May 23rd, 2018|Climate politics, Energy Policy, Reasons for Acting, Renewable Energy|

There is an attack against renewable energy and the environment in this country. It is being conducted by large utilities, coal, and oil companies. The impact will affect our energy policies, manufacturing, economy, and environment for decades. It is abetted by Republican state and federal legislators that are being [...]

Climate Messaging: Silver Bullets

2023-03-24T20:17:57+00:00April 9th, 2018|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate politics, Environmental Messaging|

The Lone Ranger used them. They’re supposed to kill werewolves. They seem like a cool idea, one that could possess magical powers. But when it comes to environmental and climate messaging, they are not much good. In a previous post I covered the balance of fear and hope required [...]

Environmental Messaging – Nobody is Listening to You on Facebook

2018-03-23T17:53:07+00:00March 21st, 2018|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, Reasons for Acting|

I am new to Facebook and Twitter. I started them out of curiosity. For me, they are an experiment. Criticizing social media is now a national pastime. But this post isn’t a criticism of Facebook or Twitter, or about the Russian or Cambridge Analytics misuse of Facebook. It’s about [...]

Environmental Messaging – Carl Sagan (Dust Mote) – Per Espen Stoknes (The Living Air)

2018-02-20T16:56:18+00:00February 20th, 2018|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, Nature|

Climate and the environment shouldn’t be political issues, but they are. Conservatives are more skeptical, and the current administration, as well as local politicians, are doing immense damage to renewable energy and the climate. As a result, many people are trying to figure out how to move the needle [...]

Environmental Messaging: Are Your Messages Hitting These Five Walls?

2018-01-20T04:33:59+00:00January 20th, 2018|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging|

We can be much more successful in getting people to act on the environment if we use better messaging. So much of our messaging is based on facts, doom and gloom, reacting to the frames put out by deniers, or trying to counter actions by the current administration. The [...]

The Path Forward

2017-10-23T16:00:39+00:00October 23rd, 2017|Business and Environment, Climate politics, Energy Policy, Renewable Energy|

On January 5th, before the inauguration, I wrote about this administration's short-sited energy policy in my post, Trump to Allow China to Destroy US Manufacturing Again Under His Energy Policy. Now almost ten months later, Trump is proving he  will be successful in destroying our opportunities. The following video is [...]

Environmental Messaging: Five Steps to Having a Conversation with a Conservative

2017-08-27T18:55:50+00:00August 29th, 2017|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging|

It’s Thanksgiving and it’s snowing outside: the kind of big, soft peaceful flakes that make you think of your childhood. Then Uncle Ralph puts his hand on your shoulder and says, “Maybe Trump fixed it. Doesn’t look like global warming to me?” Your mother shouts from the kitchen trying [...]

Environmental Messaging: A Poverty of Words

2017-08-12T21:10:31+00:00August 15th, 2017|Boundary Waters, Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, General|

I love words. I listen to their songs for hidden stories. Like the sounds of water laughing over rocks. The forests speak to me. Yellow aspens chatter. The pines whisper. White clouds are clean and pure. So in the environmental movement, why do I often hear, “We catch more [...]

Movie Review: An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

2017-08-12T20:38:02+00:00August 12th, 2017|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate politics, Climate Science, Reasons for Acting, Renewable Energy|

You can’t put together a review of “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” without mentioning Al Gore. That’s because the movie is more about Al Gore than it is about new climate revelations or solutions to global warming. In its simplest form, it is a movie of what has [...]

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