
Environmental Messaging – Nobody is Listening to You on Facebook

2018-03-23T17:53:07+00:00March 21st, 2018|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, Reasons for Acting|

I am new to Facebook and Twitter. I started them out of curiosity. For me, they are an experiment. Criticizing social media is now a national pastime. But this post isn’t a criticism of Facebook or Twitter, or about the Russian or Cambridge Analytics misuse of Facebook. It’s about [...]


2018-03-29T17:50:08+00:00March 19th, 2018|Energy Policy, Nature, Reasons for Acting|

Shaking hands with him is like shaking hands with a tree. Sixty years of hauling nets make his thumbs as big as my wrists. The building smells of fish. Forty years of fish. Fish from another era, one where men actually worked for a living. Did physical labor like [...]

Environmental Messaging: We Can’t Convert Conservatives on Climate

2017-11-24T18:43:05+00:00November 24th, 2017|Environmental Messaging, Reasons for Acting|

I apologize.* I was wrong. I believed there was a way to have a conversation with conservatives about the environment and the climate crisis. I’ve criticized some of my friends and colleagues for arguing the facts against climate denial, (see Climate Change is Real, So What?) which re-enforces the [...]

Environmental Messaging – Enbridge Line 3 False Choices

2019-02-07T16:24:29+00:00October 3rd, 2017|Climate Change, Environmental Messaging, Reasons for Acting|

As big as Keystone XL and DAPL, do we need another pipeline from the world’s dirtiest source of oil? I sat through most of the testimony in the public hearings on Enbridge’s request for a “Certificate of Need” for their Line 3 oil pipeline replacement in northern Minnesota. Arguments [...]

Return to Standing Rock – A Personal Journey – Part II

2017-09-23T19:05:26+00:00September 23rd, 2017|A Good Day, Actions You Can Take, Dakota Access Pipeline, Reasons for Acting, Standing Rock|

The following post is Part 2 of a 3 part series. The events occurred in August, September and October of 2016 and are being published now as all charges against me in the DAPL water protection recently have been dropped. These post are longer in length because I believe the [...]

Standing Rock – Black Smoke – A Personal Journey – Part III

2020-07-18T16:13:19+00:00September 4th, 2017|A Good Day, Actions You Can Take, Dakota Access Pipeline, Reasons for Acting, Standing Rock|

Black smoke. Armored vehicles. Pepper spray. 300 helmeted police in riot gear. Helicopters. Nightsticks. Snipers. Bean bags. Rubber bullets. Sound cannons. Cell phone jamming. Drums. Sage. Prayers. 300 unarmed peaceful water protectors. Tobacco. Tribal elders. Song. Blockade. Crossing Minnesota, I don’t yet realize what I am driving into. The [...]

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