We make sure the world knows it.
You are solving environmental, climate, sustainability, and energy problems. You are replacing helplessness with hope. Ironically, that’s not enough. You have to compete for donors, volunteers and customers. SkyWaterEarth is a unique consultancy that supercharges your organization’s strategies and communications with expert guidance and proven processes. There’s never been a better time to join forces. (Just read today’s headlines.) Together, we’ll affect mind- and earth-changing outcomes.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
Better strategy + attraction = better results.
All CEO’s and directors have the responsibility of improving their company’s profit margin. If you work for a non-profit, you have the double-duty of raising funds and promoting your mission. SkyWaterEarth will help you deliver the right message to the right people at the right time, starting with your colleagues and volunteers, and then to the world at large. Learn how to attract the right followers as if the world depended on it. Because it does.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
We are all connected.
Lead strategist, Hobart Stocking is an environmentalist, writer and entrepreneur who believes we
cannot save the world without savoring the world. When he’s not helping organizations grow and
achieve their missions, he’s sailing the Atlantic, climbing Mount Kenya or hiking across the Grand
Canyon. Hobie has 24 years of marketing experience and is happy to regale you with case studies
should you wish to join him on his upcoming walkabout in the deserts of the Southwest or by clicking here.
Connectivity at a higher level.
You are not alone in changing the world. There are others that share your values and can help spread
your message. SkyWaterEarth believes changing the world is a collective challenge and relies on our
interdependence. That’s why we’re developing the SkyWaterEarth Network. A group of organizations
with similar missions that can leverage each other’s experience and reach when they need to get the
word out. More details coming soon. Do you want to be notified when the network is up? Click here.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
Environmental and energy problems come in all sizes.
Fortunately, so do solutions.
SkyWaterEarth services are available in a format that meets your needs and budget.
Custom Consultancy is our most comprehensive offering. A typical duration is 30-45 days.
Workshops are a 1/2-day deep dive on how to bring power to your brand and messaging platform.
Speeches are typically one hour and packed with entertaining advice you, your team and your members
can use now to help drive your mission. Find a list of recent topics here.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment

In order to save the world, we must also savor the world.*
“Children, be worried when they call you America’s most valuable natural resource.”
Utah Phillips was a musician, a labor organizer, a story teller and a poet. Born in 1935, he spent part of his early life riding the rails. This quote of his is a favorite of mine. I believe it's a commencement address. It still rings true and is even [...]
The Climate Activist Issues Trap and How To Avoid Getting Caught
I’ve seen dozens of climate and environmental campaigns over the last 10 years. Almost every one falls into the issues trap. It’s the tactic of fighting a climate or environmental problem with facts and reason, rather than calling out the underlying violation of our values and telling a story. [...]
How We’re Screwing Renewables With Our Response to the Texas Big Freeze Grid Disaster
Once again, Charlie Brown climate media and communicators are trying to kick Lucy’s proverbial football as she yanks it away. Right wing fossil fuel sponsored Lucy is the Wall Street Journal and Fox News. Their football frame is blaming Texas power outages on frozen wind turbines and renewables. What [...]
Savoring the Earth – On Loneliness and Solitude
The wife of a friend of mine died suddenly when she was 40. The mother of an eight-year-old, our daughters were the same age and shared an interest in horses. She was an English teacher, and we both loved books and reading. We’d escape parties to talk about what [...]
Toxic Tar Sands Pipelines Pump Enbr!dge Pus – Is There a Role for Disgust in Climate Communications?
Maybe that sounds like hyperbole, but I’ll bet you had a visceral reaction of disgust to the word pus in the title? Why is that, and is there a role for disgust in our climate communications? Without going into the emotion of disgust too deeply, researchers believe it is [...]
Do I Smell a New Methane Gas Frame Being Created?
Natural Gas, Fossil Gas, or Methane… Which Should We Use? Reality and truth should be bedrocks in climate communications, but what we believe often informs reality. Words influence these beliefs and thus our collective reality. Choose words that unconsciously activate the wrong neurons in the brains of our audience [...]
The Coup Attempt is Not Over! Climate Champions – Let’s Pay Attention To Our Words.
Folks, the coup attempt to overthrow our democracy on January 6th by Trump traitors is not over! Not by a long shot. The battle is now being waged in the words we use to describe what happened, and will determine what happens next. For those in the climate movement [...]
Why Aren’t Our Climate Communications More Like Hallmark Ads?
You remember the ones. The scene of the soldier hitchhiking though a blizzard to make it home for Christmas. His mother waiting, holding his worn photo in her hand and brushing it gently. The joy on her face as he enters her kitchen. Then the hug. Wait for it. [...]
Using a Value’s Sandwich to Spur Climate Action in 2021
As a climate champion, do you know how to use this one tip... a values sandwich, to get action on your climate projects? What’s a values sandwich, and how can it help our climate causes? This communication tip works just as well for Uncle Ralph at Thanksgiving as stopping [...]
A Few Positive Words for Climate Activists
I have a friend who wanted to get involved in the climate movement and wondered what organizations would be appropriate for his interests? I asked him some questions, one of which was… how would he describe himself? He answered, “Well, you know me. I’m no tree hugger.” Ouch. It’s [...]
What Happens To Our Climate When Democracy Dies? (And what we can do about it.)
(Photo by Angus Mordant/www.angusmordant.com ) If you are a climate activist, or care about what happens to the earth or environment, then read this carefully. Our democracy is on the endangered species list. It is dying. And when it does, there will be no hope for the climate, ourselves, or [...]
The Bass-Oreno
I suppose the Bass-Oreno saved my life. Other than it’s preposterous name, all I knew about it was that it was made by the South Bend Bait Company of Indiana, and it caught bass. For a ten-year old, that was magic enough. I found it a couple years ago [...]
Strategy – Where Do Climate Champions Go Now?
Here’s a contrarian viewpoint. Regardless of who wins this election, climate champions still have a lot of work to do. I don’t mean the nut’s and bolts work of trying to rebuild the Clean Power Plan, re-enter the Paris Accord, our launch the Green New Deal. We have to [...]
Our Strategy and Messaging Around the Election – Count Every Vote!
There is a great deal of worry around the election. That the election will be fair and that your vote will be counted. That the election won’t be stolen in some way. For us to achieve these goals requires a strategy as well as consistent messaging. The two are [...]
Climate Activists… Don’t Tell Me What To Do.
“You need to lighten up a little.” “I’m not angry.” “Yes, you are.” “No! I’m not!” This is a conversation I observed between my daughter and her 10 year-old. It reminds me that no one likes to be told what to do. Not kids, and not adults. Telling people [...]
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment

CONTACT SkyWaterEarth
L. Hobart Stocking
Founder and Chief Provocateur
651-357-0110 (Cell 24×7)
Minnesota Office
689 Sue Place, Suite 210
St Paul, MN 55116
Atlanta Office
124 Chelsea Drive NE, Suite 10
Decatur, GA 30030