Utah Phillips was a musician, a labor organizer, a story teller and a poet. Born in 1935, he spent part of his early life riding the rails.

This quote of his is a favorite of mine. I believe it’s a commencement address. It still rings true and is even more relevant in our consumption driven world. It calls for us to be stewards of the earth and servants to others.

“Children, be worried when they call you America’s most valuable natural resource.

 You are about to be told one more time that you are America’s most valuable natural resource. Have you seen what they do to valuable natural resources?! Have you seen a strip mine? Have you seen a clear cut in the forest? Have you seen a polluted river?

Don’t ever let them call you a valuable natural resource! They’re going to strip mine your soul. They’re going to clear cut your best thoughts for the sake of profit unless you learn to resist, because the profit system follows the path of least resistance and following the path of least resistance is what makes the river crooked!”

– Utah Phillips

From a communications standpoint, this short passage uses metaphors to tell a story about our core values of caring for the earth and our children. It identifies how those values are being violated and why. More than that, it calls for us to resist. These are all elements of a values sandwich mentioned in this post.

Thanks for what you do.


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Hobart Stocking
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