
A Simple Way To Increase Climate Identity and Action

2023-08-27T15:36:00+00:00August 27th, 2023|Climate Communications, Identity, Language|

I am a SWIMMER! When I started in the climate movement I went in search of “magic words.” Something simple that I could say that would motivate others to take action. Perhaps you’ve also wished for those words. I found it was a fool’s errand. Not the search for [...]

What Climate Leaders Might Fail to Understand About the Election

2022-12-02T20:18:38+00:00November 27th, 2022|Climate Communications, Climate Strategy, Identity|

... And What We Can Do About It. The election is over. We didn’t get shellacked as bad as we thought. We took a few state houses. Many political and climate leaders are calling it a victory. So we feel pretty good about our efforts. Even though we know [...]

Is the Marlboro Man Really the Identity We Need To Help With Climate Collapse?

2022-11-28T20:04:24+00:00November 27th, 2022|Climate Communications, Climate Strategy, Identity|

I saw an ad for a Chevy truck last night. It had all the requisite touch points: the deep base male voice-over, the truck driving up an impossible mountain, a female passenger adoring the ride, and by association, her driver. What caught my attention was the line “… equipped [...]

The One Question Every Climate Activist Needs To Ask…

2023-01-21T16:57:31+00:00August 21st, 2022|Climate Communications, Climate Strategy, Framing|

In the late 1950s, Phillip Morris & Co. hired Leo Burnett Advertising to change the image of their feminine filtered cigarettes to make them more masculine. Filtered cigarettes were a technical ruse. They were supposed to be healthier and were mostly smoked by women. Burnett launched one of history’s [...]