
House Speaker Mike Johnson, Climate Skeptic or Climate Denier?

2023-10-27T16:31:55+00:00October 26th, 2023|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Communications, Climate politics, Language|

Choose Your Climate Label Carefully... The new House Speaker, Mike Johnson, has been described in headlines by the Guardian, US Energy News, the Hill, and many other media outlets as a “Climate Skeptic.” Most of the articles identify his connection with the fossil fuel industry, and his 100% rating [...]

A Simple Way To Increase Climate Identity and Action

2023-08-27T15:36:00+00:00August 27th, 2023|Climate Communications, Identity, Language|

I am a SWIMMER! When I started in the climate movement I went in search of “magic words.” Something simple that I could say that would motivate others to take action. Perhaps you’ve also wished for those words. I found it was a fool’s errand. Not the search for [...]

What Climate Activists Miss – The Myth of the Funnel

2023-10-19T17:16:32+00:00August 26th, 2023|Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging|

Would you show up for a first date with a ring, a proposal for marriage, and your parents in tow? Of course not. But that’s what a lot of climate activists and communication professionals do by mistake. I was talking to the director of a Minnesota climate organization the [...]

We’re Losing the Climate War to Fossil Fuel Corporations and Republican Extremists, and We Don’t Even Know It

2023-08-09T15:58:58+00:00August 9th, 2023|Actions You Can Take, Climate Communications, Climate politics, Identity|

According to Anthony Leiserowitz, Director of the of the Yale Project of Climate Communication, “We are in a propaganda war with the fossil fuel industry, but we aren’t even on the battlefield.” To which I will add, that we don’t even know we’re in a war, or if we [...]

The Tragedy of Posting About Climate Calamity on Social Media

2023-06-02T16:21:10+00:00May 27th, 2023|Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging|

... And What You Can Do About It! Two wind turbines were walking across a field when one said to the other, “Say, what kinda music do you like?” The other wind turbine replied, “I’m a big metal fan....” In 2023, one third of energy generated in Minnesota came [...]

Seven Questions To Ask Our Climate Messages

2023-04-20T22:47:54+00:00April 20th, 2023|Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging, Framing|

If our climate message(s) were succeeding, then why are we still facing a climate crisis future without more action? Why does Exxon Mobile still get to determine the fate of our children? Why is there a backlash against renewables all across our country? Why did Biden just approve the [...]

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