
Book Review: Cheaper, Faster, Better – by Tom Steyer

2024-06-09T16:14:00+00:00June 8th, 2024|Book Review, Business and Environment, Climate Change, Climate Strategy|

I like Tom Steyer. I’ve supported his campaign and his grassroots organizations since 2015 because he's a climate champion. He is an optimistic, strategic, and pragmatic thinker and this book is very much worth the easy read that it is. If you need a boost in well-reasoned climate optimism, [...]

Climate Book Review: Re-Imaging Change

2023-03-24T19:48:40+00:00March 19th, 2023|Book Review, Climate Communications, Climate Strategy, Environmental Messaging|

I almost didn’t read Re-Imaging Change by Patrick Reinsborough and Doyle Canning. I’ll tell you why, though I’m going to bury the lead here, so stick with me. I first opened the book and sampled a page. Here’s an example: “As the story-based strategy approach has evolved, it has [...]

Book Review: The Activist’s Media Handbook – Lessons from Fifty Years as a Progressive Agitator

2023-02-22T18:37:57+00:00February 22nd, 2023|Book Review, Climate Communications, Climate politics, Stories|

David Fenton’s new book is a must read for any climate justice activist or climate communications professional under the age of 40. For anyone over that age, it is also a delightfully raucous walk through the history of liberal movements when activism was fun. For all, it illustrates the [...]