We make sure the world knows it.
You are solving environmental, climate, sustainability, and energy problems. You are replacing helplessness with hope. Ironically, that’s not enough. You have to compete for donors, volunteers and customers. SkyWaterEarth is a unique consultancy that supercharges your organization’s strategies and communications with expert guidance and proven processes. There’s never been a better time to join forces. (Just read today’s headlines.) Together, we’ll affect mind- and earth-changing outcomes.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
Better strategy + attraction = better results.
All CEO’s and directors have the responsibility of improving their company’s profit margin. If you work for a non-profit, you have the double-duty of raising funds and promoting your mission. SkyWaterEarth will help you deliver the right message to the right people at the right time, starting with your colleagues and volunteers, and then to the world at large. Learn how to attract the right followers as if the world depended on it. Because it does.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
We are all connected.
Lead strategist, Hobart Stocking is an environmentalist, writer and entrepreneur who believes we
cannot save the world without savoring the world. When he’s not helping organizations grow and
achieve their missions, he’s sailing the Atlantic, climbing Mount Kenya or hiking across the Grand
Canyon. Hobie has 24 years of marketing experience and is happy to regale you with case studies
should you wish to join him on his upcoming walkabout in the deserts of the Southwest or by clicking here.
Connectivity at a higher level.
You are not alone in changing the world. There are others that share your values and can help spread
your message. SkyWaterEarth believes changing the world is a collective challenge and relies on our
interdependence. That’s why we’re developing the SkyWaterEarth Network. A group of organizations
with similar missions that can leverage each other’s experience and reach when they need to get the
word out. More details coming soon. Do you want to be notified when the network is up? Click here.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
Environmental and energy problems come in all sizes.
Fortunately, so do solutions.
SkyWaterEarth services are available in a format that meets your needs and budget.
Custom Consultancy is our most comprehensive offering. A typical duration is 30-45 days.
Workshops are a 1/2-day deep dive on how to bring power to your brand and messaging platform.
Speeches are typically one hour and packed with entertaining advice you, your team and your members
can use now to help drive your mission. Find a list of recent topics here.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment

In order to save the world, we must also savor the world.*
New Year’s Resolutions for Climate Activists
I generally stay away from new year’s resolutions. As I get older, they seem less aspirational and more shame-based at some level… lose 10 pounds, exercise more, eat less junk. That sort of thing. But nothing will make me 21 again and resolutions can seem too prescriptive. I’m more [...]
Rising Tides of Concern: Why the Next Year Holds the Key to Our Climate Future
I have a confession. I read eclectically, and a portion of what I read is absurd. I am fascinated by Bigfoot, aliens, and Elvis. It’s not that I believe in Bigfoot or aliens, but I am curious this may be a reality for others. I guess it makes me [...]
Is the Climate Organization Dead?
Perhaps this is a cry of existential frustration, but I belong to half a dozen climate non-profits, and I’m noticing a pattern. The pattern could best be called climate atherosclerosis. A hardening of the arteries that may precede death. Or it might just be the cynicism of my old [...]
House Speaker Mike Johnson, Climate Skeptic or Climate Denier?
Choose Your Climate Label Carefully... The new House Speaker, Mike Johnson, has been described in headlines by the Guardian, US Energy News, the Hill, and many other media outlets as a “Climate Skeptic.” Most of the articles identify his connection with the fossil fuel industry, and his 100% rating [...]
The Role of Anger in Climate Activism
Why does ExxonMobil get to determine the fate of your kids, family and community? Does this piss you off? Then, I'll get to it in a moment. I want to tell a story first. I was talking to a new member of a climate group recently and asked him [...]
A Simple Way To Increase Climate Identity and Action
I am a SWIMMER! When I started in the climate movement I went in search of “magic words.” Something simple that I could say that would motivate others to take action. Perhaps you’ve also wished for those words. I found it was a fool’s errand. Not the search for [...]
What Climate Activists Miss – The Myth of the Funnel
Would you show up for a first date with a ring, a proposal for marriage, and your parents in tow? Of course not. But that’s what a lot of climate activists and communication professionals do by mistake. I was talking to the director of a Minnesota climate organization the [...]
We’re Losing the Climate War to Fossil Fuel Corporations and Republican Extremists, and We Don’t Even Know It
According to Anthony Leiserowitz, Director of the of the Yale Project of Climate Communication, “We are in a propaganda war with the fossil fuel industry, but we aren’t even on the battlefield.” To which I will add, that we don’t even know we’re in a war, or if we [...]
Dancing in the Glade
Once when I was hiking in the gloaming, down from the mountain where the stars begin in the vault above. Once when I descended into the forest, and the moon rose over the glade, and the night hawks pealed against the fading light. Once when I was young and [...]
It’s Hot! So What?
(Image Above Not a Video) No, this isn’t a post about climate denialism. I’m a climate activist, and I read a lot of posts and statements like the following. We are facing the hottest years in the history of mankind. 50 million Americans are under a heat advisory. Extreme [...]
An Alarming Trend in EVs According to the Media
I read eclectically, occasionally deeply, but most often just skim headlines to see what interests me. It seems to me that 95% of the message of an article is often hidden in the title. The message is different than the title. That’s a problem because we don’t have the [...]
The Tragedy of Posting About Climate Calamity on Social Media
... And What You Can Do About It! Two wind turbines were walking across a field when one said to the other, “Say, what kinda music do you like?” The other wind turbine replied, “I’m a big metal fan....” In 2023, one third of energy generated in Minnesota came [...]
Seven Questions To Ask Our Climate Messages
If our climate message(s) were succeeding, then why are we still facing a climate crisis future without more action? Why does Exxon Mobile still get to determine the fate of our children? Why is there a backlash against renewables all across our country? Why did Biden just approve the [...]
Climate Book Review: Re-Imaging Change
I almost didn’t read Re-Imaging Change by Patrick Reinsborough and Doyle Canning. I’ll tell you why, though I’m going to bury the lead here, so stick with me. I first opened the book and sampled a page. Here’s an example: “As the story-based strategy approach has evolved, it has [...]
Book Review: The Activist’s Media Handbook – Lessons from Fifty Years as a Progressive Agitator
David Fenton’s new book is a must read for any climate justice activist or climate communications professional under the age of 40. For anyone over that age, it is also a delightfully raucous walk through the history of liberal movements when activism was fun. For all, it illustrates the [...]
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment

CONTACT SkyWaterEarth
L. Hobart Stocking
Founder and Chief Provocateur
651-357-0110 (Cell 24×7)
Minnesota Office
689 Sue Place, Suite 210
St Paul, MN 55116
Atlanta Office
124 Chelsea Drive NE, Suite 10
Decatur, GA 30030