We make sure the world knows it.
You are solving environmental, climate, sustainability, and energy problems. You are replacing helplessness with hope. Ironically, that’s not enough. You have to compete for donors, volunteers and customers. SkyWaterEarth is a unique consultancy that supercharges your organization’s strategies and communications with expert guidance and proven processes. There’s never been a better time to join forces. (Just read today’s headlines.) Together, we’ll affect mind- and earth-changing outcomes.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
Better strategy + attraction = better results.
All CEO’s and directors have the responsibility of improving their company’s profit margin. If you work for a non-profit, you have the double-duty of raising funds and promoting your mission. SkyWaterEarth will help you deliver the right message to the right people at the right time, starting with your colleagues and volunteers, and then to the world at large. Learn how to attract the right followers as if the world depended on it. Because it does.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
We are all connected.
Lead strategist, Hobart Stocking is an environmentalist, writer and entrepreneur who believes we
cannot save the world without savoring the world. When he’s not helping organizations grow and
achieve their missions, he’s sailing the Atlantic, climbing Mount Kenya or hiking across the Grand
Canyon. Hobie has 24 years of marketing experience and is happy to regale you with case studies
should you wish to join him on his upcoming walkabout in the deserts of the Southwest or by clicking here.
Connectivity at a higher level.
You are not alone in changing the world. There are others that share your values and can help spread
your message. SkyWaterEarth believes changing the world is a collective challenge and relies on our
interdependence. That’s why we’re developing the SkyWaterEarth Network. A group of organizations
with similar missions that can leverage each other’s experience and reach when they need to get the
word out. More details coming soon. Do you want to be notified when the network is up? Click here.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment
Environmental and energy problems come in all sizes.
Fortunately, so do solutions.
SkyWaterEarth services are available in a format that meets your needs and budget.
Custom Consultancy is our most comprehensive offering. A typical duration is 30-45 days.
Workshops are a 1/2-day deep dive on how to bring power to your brand and messaging platform.
Speeches are typically one hour and packed with entertaining advice you, your team and your members
can use now to help drive your mission. Find a list of recent topics here.
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment

In order to save the world, we must also savor the world.*
So You Want To Ban Gas Stoves? Oops.
The Strategy and Language of the Gas Stove Culture Wars So you want to “ban” gas stoves? A firestorm erupted in January over the pollution of gas stoves. As climate activists, we reacted without a solid strategy and without testing the language we are using. Consequently, we may lose [...]
Squirrel Farts and Climate Action
I focus my blogs on climate communication. How we can tell better stories and create better climate messages. This subject floats my boat. I am passionate about it. But I am also concerned about immediate climate action. In my recent post Losing Hope, I related how overwhelming the climate [...]
Almost All Climate Messages Can Be Made Better – Here’s How!
Almost every climate message can be made better. While we are admonished to not make perfect the enemy of good, climate messages are often lacking and ineffective despite our best intentions. We can and must do better if we want to save ourselves and preserve a habitable earth for [...]
Losing Hope on the Climate Crisis? Try this…
I have a friend who laments the loss of hope with regard to the climate challenge. I hear this a lot in climate organizations and among climate activists. You work your ass off for months or years trying to stop a toxic pipeline, and then they put it in [...]
What Climate Leaders Might Fail to Understand About the Election
... And What We Can Do About It. The election is over. We didn’t get shellacked as bad as we thought. We took a few state houses. Many political and climate leaders are calling it a victory. So we feel pretty good about our efforts. Even though we know [...]
Is the Marlboro Man Really the Identity We Need To Help With Climate Collapse?
I saw an ad for a Chevy truck last night. It had all the requisite touch points: the deep base male voice-over, the truck driving up an impossible mountain, a female passenger adoring the ride, and by association, her driver. What caught my attention was the line “… equipped [...]
The One Question Every Climate Activist Needs To Ask…
In the late 1950s, Phillip Morris & Co. hired Leo Burnett Advertising to change the image of their feminine filtered cigarettes to make them more masculine. Filtered cigarettes were a technical ruse. They were supposed to be healthier and were mostly smoked by women. Burnett launched one of history’s [...]
What the Climate Movement Is Missing With the New IRA Climate Bill
… And We Better Figure It Out Fast As liberals, progressives and climate activists we are busy analyzing and dissecting the new (poorly named) “Inflation Reduction Act” climate bill. Does it contain too many giveaways to fossil fuel companies? Is it enough? How much will it lower our carbon [...]
How to Frame the Right’s Bad Climate Ideas and Delay
“We can no longer tolerate Republican’s bankrupt delay on climate.” Do you get an image or feeling on the quality of their delay from this sentence? If we want our ideas to spread, we must use words that create images and feelings and connect them to stories and narratives [...]
How Samuel Alito Just Screwed Your Kids, and What You Can Do About It
“Now, what is a pollutant? A pollutant is a subject that is harmful to human beings or to animals or to plants. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Carbon dioxide is not harmful to ordinary things, to human beings, or to animals, or to plants. It’s actually needed for [...]
What’s Your Strategy for These Words of Climate Delay?
“We may not know what lies ahead, but it’s only human to search for it.” – Chevron This is the concluding sentence from a recent Chevron ad I saw. Seems innocuous. It’s lofty and inspirational and would likely slip past, except it raised my “cow waste” detector. Not many [...]
We Have the Word “Drought” All Wrong
I was in the great Southwest in April. I drove north up 84 toward Las Vegas, New Mexico glad to finally have a 40 mph tailwind. Halfway there, I ran into a tumbleweed storm. Hundreds of dusty rolling aliens flying across the road like some herd of strange frightened [...]
I was hiking in Utah this past month. I spent one day in Arches paying homage to the beauty of the first place I ever hiked in the west. While there, I drove by Balanced Rock. A big rock in an impossible position. Seeming to defy gravity. It’s a [...]
Bigfoot and Jackalope – Moving Beyond Reactive Climate Campaigns
Let’s say we wake up and find out that Jackalope are going extinct because they are being eaten by Bigfoot. After all, they are a favorite delicacy of Bigfoot. What do we do? We probably start a Save the Jackalope campaign... of course. We have to make people aware [...]
What Junk Words Are You Using in the Climate Crisis?
There are no magic words. Words that you can say that will make people suddenly understand and then prevent our rapidly unfolding climate chaos. Some words are better than others, but lots of them are just junk. Of course there is more to the climate crisis than words. But [...]
Learn how to evaluate your organization’s potential for growth with our free downloadable assessment

CONTACT SkyWaterEarth
L. Hobart Stocking
Founder and Chief Provocateur
651-357-0110 (Cell 24×7)
Minnesota Office
689 Sue Place, Suite 210
St Paul, MN 55116
Atlanta Office
124 Chelsea Drive NE, Suite 10
Decatur, GA 30030