
Why We Blame Children for Marching on the Climate Crisis

2019-10-11T17:50:54+00:00October 11th, 2019|Climate Communications, Climate politics, Environmental Messaging|

She’s young enough to add ½ to her age; 5 and ½. She’s tired. It’s been a long day. Her name is Sol, the youngest of my grandkids. She has trouble with her “L’s” and tells me that she’s going to trade in their old family Nissan for a [...]

Getting Ready for the Next Climate Frame

2019-09-10T22:08:59+00:00September 10th, 2019|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Communications|

What if the climate movement could anticipate the next move by the fossil fuel industry and their climate denying deceivers? What if we could get ahead of it, and perhaps create a move of our own? For the past three years the climate movement has been particularly focused on [...]

Fear Versus Urgency in Climate Communications

2019-05-20T15:48:13+00:00May 20th, 2019|Actions You Can Take, Environmental Messaging|

The real debate around the climate crisis is not whether it’s happening, but how to get people to act. So the most important question for climate communicators is how do we create urgency and action without creating paralyzing fear or apathy. One side, catalyzed by David Wallace-Wells article in [...]

What Environmentalists and EV Enthusiasts Miss About Electric Pickup Trucks

2019-05-12T17:12:37+00:00May 12th, 2019|Environmental Messaging|

Ford just invested $500M in Rivian, a startup making electric pickup trucks and SUVs. Rivian expects to sell 20,000 trucks in 2021. EV enthusiasts should be encouraged, right? But something is missing from this good news. The thing that is missing is sound. The US automotive industry spends $5B [...]

Can Big Oil and Utilities Help in the Transition from Carbon?

2024-03-07T20:49:19+00:00February 7th, 2019|Business and Environment, Climate politics, Energy Policy, Environmental Messaging|

For a while there has been popular speculation that utilities were in a death spiral. They have been hit with pollution regulation, clean energy mandates, higher fuel costs and disruption from clean low cost distributed renewable energy. Their primary purpose has been to “keep-the-lights-on,” and the world is changing [...]

Environmental Messaging – Creating Pictures from Numbers

2018-09-18T17:05:25+00:00September 18th, 2018|Environmental Messaging, Nature|

Forests are the lungs of the earth. They give us about one third of the oxygen we breath, and they sequester carbon dioxide. Around the world, they absorb almost 40% of human carbon emissions and help slow the rate of global warming. I am walking along the east side [...]

Environmental Messaging – Are You Amplifying These Frames?

2018-08-21T17:01:05+00:00August 21st, 2018|Actions You Can Take, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate politics, Environmental Messaging|

Most of us are too busy to think. Yet we are constantly exposed to frames that reshape our thinking. For environmentalists, most of the frames we are exposed to are created by fossil fuel and right wing political think tanks. The result is that public opinion moves toward their [...]

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