
Me, Myself, and I – Choosing Your Subject in Climate Communications

2024-07-01T17:21:29+00:00May 22nd, 2024|Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging, Framing, Language|

We know that the way we use language in the public debate often influences which policies or candidates gets supported. Often, the most effective language activates deep-seated circuits or frames in our brains that are about right and wrong. For example, “My country, love it or leave it.” This [...]

House Speaker Mike Johnson, Climate Skeptic or Climate Denier?

2023-10-27T16:31:55+00:00October 26th, 2023|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Communications, Climate politics, Language|

Choose Your Climate Label Carefully... The new House Speaker, Mike Johnson, has been described in headlines by the Guardian, US Energy News, the Hill, and many other media outlets as a “Climate Skeptic.” Most of the articles identify his connection with the fossil fuel industry, and his 100% rating [...]

A Simple Way To Increase Climate Identity and Action

2023-08-27T15:36:00+00:00August 27th, 2023|Climate Communications, Identity, Language|

I am a SWIMMER! When I started in the climate movement I went in search of “magic words.” Something simple that I could say that would motivate others to take action. Perhaps you’ve also wished for those words. I found it was a fool’s errand. Not the search for [...]

So You Want To Ban Gas Stoves? Oops.

2023-03-01T17:06:06+00:00February 16th, 2023|Climate Communications, Climate politics, Climate Strategy, Environmental Messaging, Framing, Language|

The Strategy and Language of the Gas Stove Culture Wars So you want to “ban” gas stoves? A firestorm erupted in January over the pollution of gas stoves. As climate activists, we reacted without a solid strategy and without testing the language we are using. Consequently, we may lose [...]

How to Frame the Right’s Bad Climate Ideas and Delay

2022-08-02T15:30:29+00:00July 24th, 2022|Climate Communications, Climate politics, Climate Strategy, Environmental Messaging, Framing, Language|

“We can no longer tolerate Republican’s bankrupt delay on climate.” Do you get an image or feeling on the quality of their delay from this sentence? If we want our ideas to spread, we must use words that create images and feelings and connect them to stories and narratives [...]

What’s Your Strategy for These Words of Climate Delay?

2022-11-04T14:29:22+00:00June 27th, 2022|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging, Language|

“We may not know what lies ahead, but it’s only human to search for it.” – Chevron This is the concluding sentence from a recent Chevron ad I saw. Seems innocuous. It’s lofty and inspirational and would likely slip past, except it raised my “cow waste” detector. Not many [...]

What Junk Words Are You Using in the Climate Crisis?

2021-10-03T18:03:18+00:00October 3rd, 2021|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Communications, Language|

There are no magic words. Words that you can say that will make people suddenly understand and then prevent our rapidly unfolding climate chaos. Some words are better than others, but lots of them are just junk. Of course there is more to the climate crisis than words. But [...]

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