

2018-03-29T17:50:08+00:00March 19th, 2018|Energy Policy, Nature, Reasons for Acting|

Shaking hands with him is like shaking hands with a tree. Sixty years of hauling nets make his thumbs as big as my wrists. The building smells of fish. Forty years of fish. Fish from another era, one where men actually worked for a living. Did physical labor like [...]

Environmental Messaging – Carl Sagan (Dust Mote) – Per Espen Stoknes (The Living Air)

2018-02-20T16:56:18+00:00February 20th, 2018|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, Nature|

Climate and the environment shouldn’t be political issues, but they are. Conservatives are more skeptical, and the current administration, as well as local politicians, are doing immense damage to renewable energy and the climate. As a result, many people are trying to figure out how to move the needle [...]

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