
The Value of Stories – A Better Way To Think About Climate Messaging

2021-08-10T18:51:00+00:00July 25th, 2021|Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging|

Part IV I’d like to tell you a story… I called my daughter and said, “Your son is home from the ER now, and he is going to be OK.” Imagine that you are driving in Atlanta rush hour traffic. In the middle lane. Your eight-year-old grandson is in [...]

The Climate Activist Issues Trap and How To Avoid Getting Caught

2021-03-01T17:53:39+00:00February 28th, 2021|Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging, Stories|

I’ve seen dozens of climate and environmental campaigns over the last 10 years. Almost every one falls into the issues trap. It’s the tactic of fighting a climate or environmental problem with facts and reason, rather than calling out the underlying violation of our values and telling a story. [...]