
How to Counter False Choice Frames About Climate or COVID-19

2020-05-26T15:22:02+00:00May 25th, 2020|Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging, Green New Deal|

"Do you want to eat your peas with a fork or a knife?" is a well known false choice that parents use with kids. In either choice, hopefully, they will eat their peas. False choices are a particular type of frame. They are used a lot with both climate [...]

Climate Communicators – Be Careful of the Economic Narrative

2020-04-15T22:24:21+00:00April 15th, 2020|Climate Communications, Framing, Green New Deal|

I’d just finished giving testimony to an administrative law judge on why a new dirty tar sands pipeline was a bad idea. It is the climate equivalent of putting 40 black smoking coal plants in my state. There was a group of Union Local 49 guys in yellow t-shirts [...]

Will Old Climate Strategies and Communications Work in this New World?

2020-03-18T21:27:53+00:00March 18th, 2020|Climate Strategy, Energy Policy, Environmental Messaging, Green New Deal, Renewable Energy|

Anytime there is a disruption to society, there is also an opportunity to change the status quo. The disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is terrible and deadly. Many of my clients in environmental and climate organizations are now changing focus on how to immediately help our fellow citizens. [...]

Restarting Our Economy When It’s 35 Degrees Below Zero

2020-03-18T19:55:16+00:00March 18th, 2020|General, Green New Deal, Renewable Energy|

I’m from Minnesota. I remember when we had snow and cold winters. We don’t much anymore. One year, we got two 18 inch snowfalls a day apart, and then the weather turned really cold. For the first week, people pretty much hunkered down. We knew it would end someday, [...]

“Americans like Green New Deal’s goals, but they reject paying trillions to reach them.”

2019-12-04T16:12:31+00:00December 3rd, 2019|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Communications, Environmental Messaging, Green New Deal|

Really? This is a recent headline from a joint Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation survey. Both are reputable organizations. Yet part of the conclusion is misleading and based on a biased question from fossil fuel talking points. The takeaway from this headline seems to be that climate action [...]