
Framing Data Centers

2025-01-30T20:02:01+00:00January 29th, 2025|Climate Change, Climate Communications, Climate politics, Climate Strategy, Framing|

Why are you paying to build pornographic storage data centers powered by dirty fracked gas? Language is the key to winning the political debate. Unfortunately, as climate activists build fact sheets on data centers, we have failed to learn the lessons of language and framing from conservatives. Do you [...]

Aliens and Climate Communications (Not what you think.)

2025-01-17T17:57:51+00:00January 16th, 2025|Climate Communications, Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, Identity|

90% of Climate Champions Will Read This Post. Here's Why...* 10 carefully selected people sit around a faux mahogany table for a discussion. Two of the 10 are unknowing experimental subjects. The two have been interviewed on a number of topics and selected because their belief in aliens was [...]

How One Climate Organization Knocked It Out of the Park

2025-01-12T18:44:34+00:00January 12th, 2025|Climate Communications, Climate politics, Climate Strategy, Environmental Messaging, Stories|

Overcoming Two Biases in Our Climate Communications What makes us think we can survive the climate crisis? Certainly, a large portion of our country isn’t concerned. One of our political parties has their heads in the sand or some other place. Of course we are an optimistic species. But [...]

The False Moral Arguments of Fossil Fuel Execs

2025-01-01T18:26:45+00:00January 1st, 2025|Climate Communications, Climate politics, Climate Strategy, False Climate Morality|

Leapfrogging the era of carbon pollution There’s a maxim by Dr. George Lakoff, a neuro-linguist and professor emeritus at U.C. Berkeley that says, “All politics are moral. Our political debate is about what is right and wrong.” Instinctually, this is why many politicians and demagogs try to frame their [...]

How To Beat Fossil Fuel Nazis

2024-12-03T21:38:49+00:00December 3rd, 2024|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Fascism, Climate politics, Climate Strategy|

 - To Fight Right Wing Climate Fascism Follow Sefton Delmer  (trigger warning – profanity ahead) In America, we now live in a full blown world of climate disinformation, propaganda, and political obstruction. The climate issue and politics are inextricably linked. One side has formed a coalition of fossil fuel [...]

Does the Election Reflect Our Stories About the Climate Challenge?

2024-11-15T21:21:37+00:00November 15th, 2024|Climate Communications, Climate politics|

When we look back at the election or the climate challenge, we will see that our success was determined by the stories we told. Politics and climate are now inextricably linked. So we can also apply the same observations about political stories to the stories we tell about the [...]

The Language of Political Violence and Climate

2024-07-20T17:02:07+00:00July 19th, 2024|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Communications, Climate politics|

Why do Exxon Mobil and Donald Trump get to determine the fate of our children and a livable planet? Both use the language of violence. Both are a huge threat to our future and democracy. Both are connected. Our leaders are calling for us to calm our rhetoric in [...]

How To Deal With Lying Climate Denialists and Their Lying Ways

2024-07-10T21:47:58+00:00July 7th, 2024|Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate Communications, Climate politics, Environmental Messaging|

"For the first time in its history, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has named the spread of climate misinformation as an obstruction to climate action, particularly in the United States.[i]" The question becomes, how do we deal with this onslaught of misinformation and disinformation? The first step is [...]

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