
The Path Forward

2017-10-23T16:00:39+00:00October 23rd, 2017|Business and Environment, Climate politics, Energy Policy, Renewable Energy|

On January 5th, before the inauguration, I wrote about this administration's short-sited energy policy in my post, Trump to Allow China to Destroy US Manufacturing Again Under His Energy Policy. Now almost ten months later, Trump is proving he  will be successful in destroying our opportunities. The following video is [...]

10 Reasons to Be Optimistic on the Environment

2017-05-14T15:37:48+00:00May 16th, 2017|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, General, Reasons for Acting, Renewable Energy|

The Trump administration is a disaster for Americans who want clean air and water and to reduce global warming. Under his onslaught, it is also easy to lose hope or become cynical. We should worry about Trump’s executive orders, but we should also be concerned with cynicism. If you [...]

The War on Renewable Energy

2017-01-24T04:00:14+00:00January 24th, 2017|Climate politics, Renewable Energy|

There is a war on renewable energy. It’s being conducted by a combination of fossil fuel companies, power companies and the uninformed legislative representatives they have in their pockets. I’ve always been a free market capitalist... with reservations. I understand and welcome competition. I even understand that there need to [...]


2016-11-27T03:08:24+00:00November 25th, 2016|Reasons for Acting, Renewable Energy|

Oil Jack rabbit rig and wind farm in Texas. In my youth I used to own a T-Shirt that said, “Give Texas Back to Mexico.” I admit it was rude, I apologize, and I’ve changed my mind! Texas has an image as a big tough, independent and proud [...]