
Environmental Messaging: The Balance of Fear, Hope, and Action

2017-08-22T03:29:11+00:00August 22nd, 2017|Environmental Messaging, Reasons for Acting|

We are all going to die. That’s a fact. All of us also need to lose ten pounds, exercise five times a week, quit smoking and stop listening to identity politics media. As humans, we are one of the few species that can project and imagine the future. And [...]

Environmental Messaging: A Poverty of Words

2017-08-12T21:10:31+00:00August 15th, 2017|Boundary Waters, Climate Change Denial and Misinformation, Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, General|

I love words. I listen to their songs for hidden stories. Like the sounds of water laughing over rocks. The forests speak to me. Yellow aspens chatter. The pines whisper. White clouds are clean and pure. So in the environmental movement, why do I often hear, “We catch more [...]

The Bear

2017-07-25T19:32:10+00:00July 26th, 2017|A Good Day, Environmental Messaging|

Cradled between three birch trees is where they will find me. I look at my rifle. A bolt action 30.06 manufactured by the Savage Arms Company of Connecticut. It has a Redfield 4x telescopic sight and is accurate to 200 yards. It can kill anything from prairie dogs to [...]

Moral Hierarchy in Environmental Messaging

2017-07-05T13:42:55+00:00July 4th, 2017|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging|

Most of my friends are apoplectic over actions taken by the current administration toward the environment. They can’t understand why anyone in their right mind would remove stream protections or “OK” the Dakota Access Pipeline. To them, that makes no sense. In my last post, I talked about frames [...]

10 Reasons to Be Optimistic on the Environment

2017-05-14T15:37:48+00:00May 16th, 2017|Climate politics, Environmental Messaging, General, Reasons for Acting, Renewable Energy|

The Trump administration is a disaster for Americans who want clean air and water and to reduce global warming. Under his onslaught, it is also easy to lose hope or become cynical. We should worry about Trump’s executive orders, but we should also be concerned with cynicism. If you [...]

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